Do note that all the photographs and videos were taken Pre-Covid and that the 2020 screening was cancelled


About NHS

NHS is a local community health service project initiated by Medicine, Nursing and Social Work students from NUS, as well as Medicine students from NTU.

NHS targets the rental block population, and aims to reconnect residents-in-need back to the healthcare system through free health screenings and follow-up.

History of NHS

The inaugural NHS was held in January 2008, serving the residents of Taman Jurong Zone B. Since then, NHS has served 7 districts and more than 5000 residents, and increased the number of screening modalities to 16, from an initial 3. 

NHS Services

NHS conducts free health screenings, both at a centralised location and door-to-door, to bring health services to residents' door steps.

Subsequently, follow-up is conducted for residents with abnormal screening results to make sure that they are reconnected back to the healthcare system (i.e. actively seeking treatment for their conditions).